SummaryPrize for perseverance
God's promise of blessing is a motive for perseverance in suffering. One will receive the crown of righteousness, glory, and life when they persevere to the end, so we must keep our eyes on this prize. The Lord is the one who makes this promise, and His blessings are sure, He is able, and His promises are true and trustworthy.
PreacherJamie Terry
ScripturesJames 1:12
Gen 3
Various Romans
Gal 3:9-16,3:13
Matt 25:41,24:13
Ps 1,32,97:10
Various John
Phil 1:6
1 Pet 1:5,5:10,5:4
Jude 1:24
Rev 14:12
Titus 1:2
1 Cor 9:25,2:9,16:22
2 Tim 4:8
Heb 12:23
James 2:5
Call to worship
Corporate Confession
Confession of Faith